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Frequently asked questions

Where do I find information on a doctor’s surgery near to where I live?

  • Go to NHS: Find a GP.
  • Alternatively you could try the yellow Pages, your local library or NHS Direct on 0845 46 47.
  • If you do not have internet access please call NHS shared business services registration team on 01162 957880

Usually the surgeries close to you will be the ones that have your residential address within their practice area. They will advise you if they don’t and will in most cases not accept you onto their list of patients if this is the case.

How do I register with a doctor?

Contact the doctors surgery directly to register.

If they are willing to accept you onto their list of patients the surgery will require a GMS1 Registration form to be completed and may ask for proof of identification, residency in the UK and proof of address.

What information is required for registration with a doctor?

The GMS1 Registration form will ask for current and previous surnames, town and country of birth, home address, NHS number ( if known), date of birth, gender, current and previous address where last registered with a doctor.

If you are from overseas you will also need to provide your address in the UK where you lived when you first arrived and the date you entered the UK. If you have lived in the UK before and moved back overseas you will also be asked for the date you previously left the UK.

If you are returning from the armed forces you will be required to provide your address before enlistment, service/personnel number and enlistment date.

The surgery may also ask for proof of identification, residency in the UK and proof of address.

What is acceptable identification?

Proof of identification:

  • photographic Driving Licence
  • current passport
  • birth certificate

Proof of residency:

  • Residency visa (for patients arriving from overseas)
  • rental agreement
  • mortgage statement
  • contract of employment
  • fulltime recognised university/college enrolment

Proof of address:

  • Active bank statement
  • current utility bill
  • driving licence
  • rental agreement
  • mortgage statement
    Please note this list is not exhaustive

If I have arrived from overseas can I register with a doctor straight away?

Yes, providing you have relevant identification and proof of residency in the UK you are able to approach a surgery for registration straight away.

What if I am refused registration?

You need to try and register with all surgeries close to your address before approaching the NHS shared business services registration team on 01162 957880 for assistance and possible allocation to a surgery.

What if I want to change my doctor?

You can approach any surgery to register that has your residential address within their practice area. This can be done at anytime even if you have a current registration with a doctor.

How do I know where my doctor is?

Your doctor’s surgery will be the place where you registered; this is where you will need to go to make an appointment.

If you don’t have internet access this information can be obtained from the NHS shared business services registration team on 01162 957880.

What are my doctor’s surgery opening times?

You will need to contact your doctor’s surgery for this information.

What do I do if I want to make a complaint or speak to someone about the quality of care provided by my doctor?

You should call the PCT Advice & Information Team on 0800 5870879.

What do I do if I no longer want to be registered with a doctor at all?

You can request a removal from your doctors list by writing to the NHS Shared Business Services Registration Team.

Please be aware you will not be included in any relevant NHS Screening programs (e.g. Cervical Screening for women) if you do not hold a current registration.

Registration Team

NHS Shared Business Services
PO Box 7157

How do I locate my NHS Number?

Your NHS Medical card shows your NHS number or this may be obtained from your doctor’s surgery.

Please note you do not need your NHS Number to register with a doctor.

How do I request a new/duplicate NHS medical card?

A new NHS medical card will be issued to a patient automatically following a new registration with a doctor or a change to a surname.

Alternatively a duplicate card can be requested from the NHS shared business services registration team on 01162 957880.

Please note a duplicate NHS medical card can only be dispatched to the address that a patient is currently registered at.

What do I do if my details are incorrect on my NHS medical card?

You should contact your doctor’s surgery to correct these details. (You may be required to show relevant identification)

Who do contact if I have changed address?

You need to contact your doctor’s surgery to make them aware of your new address. They may not be able to keep you on their list of patients if your new address is outside their practice area but they should advise you if this is the case.

Who do I contact if I have changed my name?

You need to contact your doctor’s surgery to make them aware of your changes. They may ask for identification to show your change of details (e.g. a marriage certificate or deed poll declaration)

Where are my paper NHS medical records?

NHS Medical Records follow a patient’s pattern of registration. They will be requested from your previous GP or area upon a new registration to be forwarded to your new doctor’s surgery. A NHS Medical Record can be requested urgently by the doctor’s surgery if the doctor feels there is a clinical need.

Who do I contact if I think there is incorrect or missing information in my NHS medical records?

You should discuss this directly with your doctor.

What happens to my NHS medical records if I emigrate or die?

If you emigrate or die your NHS medical records will be held by the PCT where your last registration was held for 25 years before being confidentially destroyed.

Am I allowed access or copies of my NHS medical records?

Yes, viewing, access and/or copies of medical records can be requested under the Data Protection Act. This request needs to be made to the holder of the NHS Medical Records. This will be the Doctors Surgery if you are registered with a Doctor or to the Information Governance Team at the relevant PCT where your last registration was held if you no longer have a current registration.

There will be a charge for this service to cover access costs, postage and photocopies where relevant.

The contact details for Access to Medical Records requests at NHS Northamptonshire should be made to the data privacy and governance officer on 01604 651100.

Please note no original NHS medical records will be sent to patients as they remain the property of the NHS.

Am I allowed access or copies of deceased persons NHS medical records?

Yes, viewing, access and/or copies of medical records can be requested under the Access to Health Records Act 1990.This request needs to be made to the holder of the NHS Medical Records. This will be the Information Governance Team at the relevant PCT where the patient’s last registration was held before death.

There will be a charge for this service to cover access costs, postage and photocopies where relevant.

There are restrictions on rights of access and information relating to this can be obtained from the data privacy and governance officer on 01604 651100.

Please note no original NHS medical records will be sent as they remain the property of the NHS.