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Surgery clinics

We offer a range of clinics and services at the surgery.

Antenatal (pregnancy)

We work closely with our community midwives who will see you most frequently. Please let our receptionists know if you are pregnant and you will be provided with a contact number to book an appointment with the midwife.

You will also be advised on healthy eating during your pregnancy and other relevant issues. You will also be weighed.

Anything you are unsure about please do ask.

Most of our babies are born in Kettering or Northampton General Hospitals. As a Practice we have closer links with Kettering. If you want to have your baby at home this will need to be discussed with your midwife.

You will normally meet your midwife when you are approximately 10 weeks pregnant which will be here at the medical centre. You will need to bring a urine sample. You may have already had your first routine scan which is done between 10 and 12 weeks gestation.

Your midwife will discuss and plan your antenatal care including routine screening tests such as the triple test. It’s important you understand why these tests are done.

Further assessments will be at approximately 15 weeks, 24 weeks and 28 weeks. Then more often up to your delivery. Also your doctor will usually see you again at 34-36 weeks.

All your antenatal assessments will be recorded in your “Maternity Record Book” which you should keep with you at all times in case information is needed in an emergency. The book also has details of whom to contact in an emergency. For non-urgent matters contact the surgery.

We encourage all mums-to-be to attend antenatal classes. These are held at Isebrook Hospital or Kettering General Hospital. The National Childbirth Trust runs private evening sessions where fathers are actively encouraged to join in. Our local Physiotherapists also advise on back pain and bladder problems in their special antenatal classes.

Enjoy your pregnancy!

This information is also available as a leaflet if you’d like to download it to read later.

Asthma and COPD

Our aim is to see you at least once yearly and we are working towards a pattern of seeing everyone during or near to their birthday month. Evidence shows that most people remember this date when planning for when they need to be seen for their annual review. Our aim is to improve standards of care for people with Asthma & COPD in line with best practice.

Your review is an opportunity to check that you are getting the best care you need, and to help you to stay healthy. It is also a chance to receive up to date advice and develop confidence in managing your condition.

It is also an opportunity to have any of your questions answered and to discuss any worries that you may have.

Even if you feel healthy, regular review is important as we can discuss new options and changing circumstances.


Our aim is to see you at least once yearly and we are working towards a pattern of seeing everyone during or near to their birthday month. Evidence shows that most people remember this date when planning for when they need to be seen for their annual review. Our aim is to improve standards of care for people with diabetes in line with best practice.

Your review is an opportunity to check that you are getting the best care you need, and to help you to stay healthy. It is also a chance to receive up to date advice and develop confidence in managing your condition.

It is also an opportunity to have any of your questions answered and to discuss any worries that you may have.

Even if you feel healthy, regular review is important as we can discuss new options and changing circumstances.

Family planning

Our Practice Nurse Team offer pill review appointments, however patients wishing to start new contraception or change their existing method should make an appointment with their usual GP.

Health visitors

The health visitor team’s role is primarily to look after the well-being of children under five years of age offering immunisations and development checks.

Illness in children

Having an ill child can be a very scary experience for parents. If you understand more about the illness it can help you to feel more in control.

The following booklet is for parents (and older children) and deals with common infections in children who are normally healthy. It is not meant for children who have ongoing health problems such as asthma, heart, or kidney problems.

You should not rely on the advice in this leaflet for children who are less than 6 months old. Babies younger than this can respond differently to infections.

Minor injury service

Most minor injuries will be directed to our Treatment Area nurses, who will ask a doctor to see you if needed. Our Nurses are able to clean and dress dirty wounds; stitch small cuts; remove foreign-bodies from skin, eye or ear; assess sprains and bruises; assess minor head injuries.

If you think that you have broken a bone, it is best to attend A&E, as we do not have any x-ray facilities. If you are not sure whom you should see, please speak to our receptionists who can direct you.

Social prescribing service

Social prescribing is a way in which we can help you to link with a range of local, non-medical activities, opportunities and support that can improve your health and wellbeing; understanding ‘what matters to you’. These activities, opportunities and support are usually provided by locally based, voluntary and community sector organisations.

The Social Prescribing Link Worker works within the community to help connect you to different local services, activities, opportunities and support. Whether you need help at home, want to discover more about local activities or find out about benefits and support services in the local community; we can help you.

Our aim is to work with you to support you to live as independently as possible. We know that being active; engaging with others, learning something new and getting involved in the world around you can improve your mental health and wellbeing. It could help you to:

  • Be more active
  • Meet new people and make new friends
  • Have something to look forward to
  • Help other people
  • Re-connect
  • Notice the world around you
  • Learn something new or take up a new hobby

Once you have been referred to the Social Prescribing service, the link worker will make contact with you, talk to you and find out more about what you would like help with. The link worker can arrange an appointment at a time and place convenient to you. This could be at the GP surgery, in your own home or in the community. We will work with you and offer support, finding solutions and options that will help make a difference for you.

If you feel you would benefit from speaking with our social prescriber, please let a member of the surgery team know.


Flu vaccinations

We offer the flu vaccination annually. Please see our Flu Vaccination page Flu Vaccinations 2024/25

Travel clinic

Our nurses offer vaccinations and advice about foreign travel. Please complete the Travel vaccination and consent form and hand in to the treatment area at least 8 weeks before your travel date. An appointment will then be booked for a nurse to call you and discuss what vaccinations are required (if any) and they will book the appointment for these to be administered if needed.

Please note that not all vaccinations are available on the NHS and there may be a charge for some. We may also have to order in your vaccinations if we do not already have them in stock. Remember you might find a great last-minute holiday – but we can’t do a last minute vaccination!


Vaccines available on the NHS for which no charge is made:

  • Typhoid
  • Diptheria/Tetanus/Polio (Revaxis)
  • Hepatitis A
  • Cholera (2 oral doses)

Vaccines we purchase and administer for a fee:

  • Hepatitis B (course of 3 doses)
  • Meningitis ACWY (but free if under 25 and going to University)

Vaccines for which we issue a prescription and we administer for a fee:

  • Japanes B Encephalitis (course of 3 doses)
  • Tick Borne Encephalitis (course of 3 doses)
  • Rabies (course of 3 doses)


Paludrine and Chloroquinine – free advice. You can purchase over the counter at a Pharmacy.

Malarone, Doxycycline and Larium – we charge a private prescription fee and you pay the cost of the Tablets to the Pharmacy.

Malerone may be available at some pharmacies without prescription, however prices do vary – please check with your pharmacist.