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Freedom of information

Organisation publication scheme

Information available from Redwell Medical Centre that provides medical services under contract to the NHS under the Freedom of Information Act model publication scheme.

Class 1 – Who we are and what we do
Information to be publishedHow the information can be obtainedCost
 Organisational information, structures, locations and contactsPractice website: Redwell Medical Centre | NHS GP Surgery in WellingboroughThe Practice operated from one site in Turner Road, Wellingborough. The Practice is a member of Wellingborough & District Primary Care Network (PCN).The Practice is a Partnership, details of the Partnership are provided in the box below.Free
Doctors in the organisation PartnersDr Paddy LeydenDr Jonathan CoxDr Neelesh JainMrs Olu OlugibileDr Melody KahwaSalaried GPsDr Andy SmithDr Bhupen Patel
 Contact details for the organisation (named contacts with telephone numbers and email addresses)01933 423424
Opening hours Monday to Friday: 08:30 – 18:30Saturday: 08:00 – 11:00
Other staffing details Peter Billingham – Business ManagerEmily Yeo – Operations ManagerHolly Boustred – Nurse ManagerWe employ a number of qualified Advanced Clinical Practitioners, Nurses, Nurse Associates and Healthcare Assistants, in addition to a range of Administrative and Reception staff.

Class 2 – What we spend and how we spend it

Information to be publishedHow the information can be obtainedCost
Financial information relating to projected and actual income, expenditure, procurement, contracts and financial audit.This should be the current and previous financial year’s informationRedwell Medical Centre receives payment from NHS England, Northamptonshire ICB and other NHS and local government bodies in relation to contracts held for services we provide to our patients.In addition, the practice receives payment in relation to services it provides through the local PCN.The total income received from all of these contracts in the financial year 2021/22 was £1,792,709.
 Details of expenditure items over £10,000 – published at least annually but at a quarterly or six monthly interval where practicalNil.
 Declaration of GPs’ NHS/HSC income.The information made available as part of GPs’ contractual obligation to publish their net income relating to NHS/HSC contracts, once this obligation is in force.A link may be provided to the information on a third-party website and/or a description of where this information is availableGP Earnings | Redwell Medical Centre

Class 3 – What our priorities are and how we are doing

Information to be publishedHow the information can be obtainedCost
 Inspection reports by regulators: the CQC, HIW, RQIA and HSCB and any other regulatorsThe Redwell Medical Centre – Care Quality Commission (
Class 4 – Our policies and procedures
Information to be publishedHow the information can be obtainedCost
Current written protocols, policies and procedures for delivering our services and responsibilities.Information on policies that we hold can be found on the practice website: Redwell Medical Centre | NHS GP Surgery in WellingboroughFurther information can be obtained by contacting the practice.

Class 7 – The services we offer

Information to be publishedHow the information can be obtainedCost
Information about the services we offer, including leaflets, guidance and newsletters produced for the publicCan be found on our practice website: Redwell Medical Centre | NHS GP Surgery in Wellingborough
The services provided under contract to the NHS Our services are outlined in the Practice Leaflet, available to view on our website or from reception.This explains the range of services that we provide ourselves or are available at our premises through other agencies. Some services may involve Information-sharing with other agencies (e.g. child protection conferences), the practice will at all times comply with data protection and information governance policies. If you have any questions about this please ask at Reception.As a Practice we at all times strive to provide a high standard of comprehensive general medical services, the Practice will where possible, and contracted to do so, also offer a range of additional patient services including:Minor SurgeryHealth ChecksCervical CytologyChildhood immunisationVaccination and immunisation clinicsFlu VaccinationContraception & Sexual HealthPhlebotomyECG’s24 Hour Blood pressure monitoringTravel Vaccinations
Charges for any of these servicesAll services provided through NHS contracts are free of charge to patients. Travel vaccination clinics providing non NHS vaccines, will be chargeable.
Out-of-hours arrangementsThe practice is not contracted to provide out-of-hours services. For more information: Out of Hours and NHS 111 | Redwell Medical Centre