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Your rights and responsibilities

All members of the surgery primary care team are committed to achieve high quality services for you, our patients. In return for these standards, we ask that you take responsibility for your side of the bargain.

Our aims


Our standards

You will be treated as a partner in the care you receive and will be given courtesy and respect at all times. You have the right to be treated in a confidential manner.

How you can help

We ask that you treat the doctors and staff with the same courtesy at all times.


Our Standards

You will be able to see a nurse or doctor on the same day if your problem is urgent. We set aside some appointments that can be pre-booked, and some that can be booked on the same day.

How you can help

Please remember that the doctor of your choice may not always be available due to other commitments, holidays etc. Please remember to cancel an appointment if you are unable to attend or no longer need the appointment.


Our standards

Urgent cases will be given priority and will be seen as soon as possible. Our out-of-hours emergency service will be available for you outside normal hours for emergencies.

How you can help

In order that emergencies get priority, please do not ask for urgent attention for non-emergencies. Please do not call out of hours except in real cases of emergency. Wherever possible it is best to wait for the next surgery.

Home Visits

Our standards

We will visit you at home if you are really too ill or infirm to be brought surgery.

How you can help

Facilities for examination and treatment are better at the surgery and the less time a doctor spends travelling the more time is available for patients. Please do not ask for a home visit unless it is strictly necessary, and ensure that your request for a home visit reaches the surgery before 10am unless a genuine emergency arises later.

Waiting Times

Our standards

We will try to see you within 20 minutes of your appointment time. You will be offered an explanation if we cannot do this.

How you can help

Please do everything you can to keep appointments. Tell us as soon as possible if you cannot. Please try to be punctual. If you arrive later than your appointment time this may cause delays and inconvenience to other patients. If we are running late, please bear with us because on another occasion it may be you that needs the extra time.


Our standards

We will try to answer the phone promptly and courteously.

How you can help

Please try to call outside of peak surgery times for non-urgent requests, i.e. after 11am for non-urgent appointments or results of tests.


Our standards

We will explain the likely effects of any drugs and review your long-term medical needs at an agreed time.

We will advise you about how and when to obtain the results of any texts of X-rays you have undergone.

If we believe that you need a second opinion we will try to help you and get this.

We will offer advice and information about how you can promote good health and avoid illness.

How you can help

Please do not call before the suggested time.
You have the right to ask for a second opinion.
You are responsible for your own and your children’s health and should take appropriate action and advice.


Our standards

We will explain the likely effects of any drugs and review your long-term medical needs at an agreed time.

How you can help

You should not expect to be given a prescription every time you visit the doctor. Please remember to check your cupboards before ordering repeat prescriptions.

Please order all of your regular monthly medication at the same time once a month. Make a note on your calendar of the date each month that you need to ask for your Repeat Prescription. Each month check that you have all the medicine that you need for the month, do not forget those that you use occasionally. It does not matter if you have some of your medicines left, keep them safe and use them in date order.

Health Records

Our standards

We will maintain accurate medical records
You have the right to see your computerised medical records and written medical records compiled after November 1991.

How you can help

You have a responsibility too. Please remember to tell us if you change your name, address or telephone number.

We can make these available to you within 40 days of the request but you may be charged for this.



We have the right to remove patients from our list if they repeatedly and persistently ignore their responsibilities to us and other patients, or threaten violence to any member of staff.


If you are seriously unhappy with us or the services we provide you have the right at any time to leave our list and to register with another practice.